Marinela Vasilica Ardelean
Marinela Ardelean is one of the most prominent promoters of Romanian wines, both locally and internationally. With thousands of wine reviews, three editions of the landmark “Wine Book of Romania”, the bilingual guide to Romanian and Moldovan wines, another cosmopolitan top cuisine adventure matching Romanian wines and Italian dishes, as well as the recently launched platform, she stand as one of the most prolific wine authors Romania ever had.
In her career, she acted as brand ambassador, branding and exports manager, professor, speaker and professional wine and spirits taster. However, as one of her first entrepreneurial initiatives, RO-Wine | The International Wine Festival of Romania remains a focal point – the first wine fair to bring together the finest domestic wines and premium counterparts from around the world, proving beyond any doubt the place Romanian wines deserve on the international market.
Liviu Popescu
Liviu Popescu, co-owner of Fratelli is a benchmark for the HoReCa industry in Romania. In addition to the PR campaigns and development strategies for the Fratelli Group, Liviu Popescu launched in 2016 the consulting company LP Hospitality Consulting, through which he offers the vast knowledge, accumulated in over 20 years of experience, to entrepreneurs who are just starting out their business or those who have need the advice of specialists for the smooth running of a business in the field of hospitality.
His passion for wine encouraged him to join the two organisers and start, in 2016, the RO-Wine | The International Wine Festival of Romania – the first wine fair that brings together the most famous wines in the world.

Mihai Popescu
Mihai Popescu is co-owner of Fratelli and one of the organizers of RO-Wine | The International Wine Festival of Romania. A successful designer, with more than 15 years of experience in the HoReCa industry, Mihai is well-known for the design concepts of more than 100 restaurants, bars and clubs, as well as for his own restaurants. He has won the Restaurant & Bar Design Award in London, at one of the most important competitions in this industry.
Mihai is the founder and manager of Twins Studio, company specialized in architecture and design, which exclusively designs and produces the design for RO-Wine | The International Wine Festival of Romania.
Helmuth Koecher
Founder and president of Merano Wine Festival, Italy
I discovered Romania in the 2000s and I was surprised to find very special wines, with a strong personality, character and tone. Romania simply has to promote its own wine varieties. I am positive they will be a hit on the international market.

In Romania there are around 200 000 Ha vineyards, and is on top #10 in the World, top #5 in Europe and in top #13 in wine production.
“Romania is the land of hope for winelovers” says Jancis Robinson.
„In 2015, less than a year after launching my first book, 50 de vinuri româneşti întâlnesc 50 de preparate culinare italiene / 50 Romanian Wines Meet 50 Italian Dishes, I have started to work on Cartea vinurilor româneşti / The Wine Book of Romania, the first guide that reunites the best Romanian and Moldovan wines. I have visited almost all the wine cellars and vineyards from both countries, I have tested almost 3,000 wines.
I am convinced that, in 20 years, when people will talk about excellency in the Europe of wines, Romania will be among the first 3 countries, next to France and Italy!” says Marinela Ardelean, the organiser of RO-Wine Festival.