As in previous editions, access to professionals in the hospitality industry – owners, sommeliers, bartenders, representatives – is free on both days.
You need to make a confirmation here!
As in previous editions, access to professionals in the hospitality industry – owners, sommeliers, bartenders, representatives – is free on both days.
You need to make a confirmation here!
Wine Producers

- AVINCIS Romania
- www.avincis.ro
- avincis.vinuri@avincis.ro
- Contact: Ana – Maria Pricop 0751199415

- Crama Navigo
- www.navigo.ro
- office@navigo.ro

- Crama Jidvei
- www.jidvei.ro
- office.jidvei@jidvei.ro

- Samburesti Romania
- www.samburesti.com
- office@samburesti.com
- +40 21 211 14 15

- Crama Banul Craiovei
- www.banulcraiovei.ro
- office@banulcraiovei.ro
- Dragos Cioc - 0737026689

- HB Wine
- www.hbwine.ro
- office@hbwine.ro

- Beciul Domnesc
- www.beciuldomnesc.ro
- corina.nedelcu@beciuldomnesc.ro
- Corina Nedelcu Director Produs - tel 0745101131

- Serve Winery
- www.serve.ro
- serve@serve.ro
- Geta Nicolae 0723.627.535

- Gramofon Wine
- www.gramofonwine.ro
- crama@gramofonwine.ro
- +40763684199

- Crama Gîrboiu
- www.cramagirboiu.ro
- office@cramagirboiu.ro
- 0 724 222 810

- www.simbainvest.ro
- office@simbainvest.ro
- 0372 002 003

- www.simbainvest.ro
- office@simbainvest.ro
- 0372 002 003

- www.simbainvest.ro
- office@simbainvest.ro
- 0372 002 003

- www.purcariwineries.com
- purcari@purcari.wine
- (+373)22 856 022

- www.cramarasova.ro
- salut@cramarasova.ro
- 0 720 737 777

- www.simbainvest.ro
- office@simbainvest.ro
- 0372 002 003

- www.domeniile-averesti.ro
- vin@domeniile-averesti.ro
- +40235484830

- www.vllavinea.com
- comenzi@villavinea.ro
- +40365505107